BMI Calculator


Calculate Your Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index ( BMI) is used to assess body fat by comparing a person's height and weight.To get your BMI simply enter your weight and height in the calculator and you will determine your BMI.


Are Body Mass Index a good measure of health or not? When a BMI calculator is used?

The weight of a healthyperson is proportional to their height. The proportion of your height and weight is what is called the Body Mass Index or BMI and there are various methods to measure it. It is important to know the formula it is based on and where it can be utilized.

The formula to calculate body mass index (BMI)?

There's a basic formula to calculate BMI and to calculate it, a person will need to input their exact height and weight.
BMI= Weight/ (height ) x) Or BMI equals weight/ height2

What is the standard of BMI?

Depending on the height and weight of a person, if the BMI index is lower than 18.5 or less, then it's lower than normal. If your BMI levels are between 18.5 to 24.9 that is considered an ideal. If your BMI levels are 25 or above, then the person should be aware, as they are at risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes. Being a BMI over 30 increases the high risk variousobesity-related illnesses.

What is the reason why BMI calculation inconvenient?

BMI should not be used in the case of women who are pregnant, elderly, and children. It is also not suitable for athletes and bodybuilders. It is not able to give accurate measurements as it cannot differentiate between muscle and fat. For instance, in the pregnant woman's case, their weight is a combination of the weight of the baby or fetus.

In the event that your BMI index falls below 18.5 dependent in your height and weight it means that your weight is less than normal and will require an increase. The optimal BMI level can be found in the range of 18.5 between 18.5 and 24.9. Individuals with BMI that is somewhere between these threshold should be able to maintain it. Anyone with a 25 or greater BMI are at possibility of developing diabetes type 2, heart disease or stroke. On the other hand over 30 BMI is considered to be obese and is susceptible to weight-related health issues.

Why are BMI limits different for adults?

As we mentioned earlier regarding BMI, it cannot be considered to be a definitive measurement. BMI measures excess body weight but the excess fat cannot be detected in the body. Factors like ageand sex or muscle as well as body fat all play a part in BMI. For instance, a person who has the ideal weight in accordance with BMI standards but does not work out daily is likely to store excess fat in their body. In such a situation even if a person does not carry extra weight within his body and achieves the ideal weight in terms of BMI level, the individual can't be said to be healthy. However, a young person with an incredibly strong muscle structure with the same BMI could be considered healthy. Therefore, there are various standards for the body mass index i.e. BMI for different age groups.


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